Thursday, 8 March 2012

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover!

Don't judge a book by its cover means not to judge people or things by what they look like from the outside. People shouldn't be judged by how they look but be judged by their actions. It actually means that people cannot be judged by what they appear like to you at first, it is necessary to get to know them and "read" them before you can judge them It means not to judge people by the way they look or act. Something very powerful can be inside them. It means don't judge a person on how they look and only judge them on who they really are!

If you judge a book by it's cover is to judge someone or something before you get to know them or try it. Such as if someone looks funny and you don't know them you shouldn't make fun of them because they could turn out to be the nicest person you ever met. Also if someone advertises for a product and you don't think it will work you shouldn't because it might work really good and it will be fun and/or good for you to have. On the other hand something could look good and be really bad. So if someone is really pretty that doesn't mean 'Oh, that person is really pretty they must be nice!' They could be really stuck up and mean. Or if something looks shiny and new and people on TV. Say it works really good it could be bad.

It's too long for MUQADDIMAH! Hehe. Actually I would like to post for my craft! ^__^
But this quote is mean to me! So I share to my reader! >__<
Thank you for your reading!

Let's go for the root! (ayat macam pa lagi.hehe)

Book Cover

Ok x? First time buat. Agak lama la nak buat benda ni, seharian. Maklumlah first time buat. Tapi untuk diri sendiri ja. Hehe.
(tapi ada request plak)

Truly by,
NFahimah NAzizan

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